CANCELLED Firefighter Family Day on the Water


Briefing:8:45am - Sunday 15th Mar 2020
Finish:12:45pm - Sunday 15th Mar 2020

Please be here by 0845h to be a p[art of the Skippers briefing then be ready to greet and bring the Fireies Families to the BBQ area for breakfast at 0930 and join them.

at 1000h you will be helping the families find the boats and maybe catch some lines for the boats.

Please call me if you have any questions. 

Sign Up

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You don't need an account to sign up for this event, but if you volunteer regularly then we suggest you create one by clicking here

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Or other contact number

Do you have anything else to add?

Various Jobs

Position Volunteer
Attending Beryl Roberts
Attending Susie Jones
Attending Robert Sloman
Attending Unassigned
Attending Unassigned
Attending Unassigned